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BENDIX KING RADIOS: (800) 552-0707

Learn About Your Radio

  • What is the KNG-M Mobile Radio?

    What is the KNG-M Mobile Radio?

    This post will teach you about:

    What is a KNG-M Mobile Radio?
    What agencies use these Radios?
    Why are they the most popular Mobile Radios?
    What are the accessories for a Mobile Radio?
    What are the advanced features?
    What are the specs of the Radio?
    Read now
  • What is the history of BK/RELM Radios?

    What is the history of BK/RELM Radios?

    This post will teach you about:

    Who is Relm Wireless, BK Radio, BK Technology, and BendixKing?
    What is the history of each company?
    When did specific portable radios come out?
    When did specific mobile radios come out?
    What is the timeline of events?
    Read now
  • What are Mobile Radios?

    What are Mobile Radios?

    This post will teach you about:

    What is a mobile radio?
    How do Mobile Radios work?
    What Mobile Radios are available?
    What are the applications of a Mobile Radio?
    What factors to consider when buying?
    What are the key features and benefits?
    Read now